Marco Legal De Las Ong En Mexico

Marco Legal De Las Ong En Mexico

2.2. The lack of an adequate legal classification of NGOs has in fact led to a kind of “massification” in the use of the number of civil associations in order to legally secure this type of organisation and, in general, various bodies characterised by their charitable vocation. d. A final point related to this issue, which will ultimately characterize the weight of state control of the functioning of NGOs in the legal framework applicable to them, is the discussion on the role of self-regulation in the functioning of this type of organization; In particular, the promotion and, in particular, the degree of legitimacy (which depends on the reality of each country and the degree of institutionality of the actors involved) in relation to the creation and application of internal monitoring or control mechanisms. A special mention in the context of self-regulation in the case of NGOs is the relationship with the “beneficiary population” or third parties for whose benefit the NGO programs and/or projects are carried out. With regard to this aspect, we believe that the role of the regulatory framework should not be to establish additional obligations or mandatory bodies involving these third parties, but to spontaneously establish such a link between NGOs and the population to whom they are addressed, taking into account: (a) it is a private relationship; whose conditions of communication are governed by various factors that are not exactly legal, and b) public participation must arise voluntarily as a necessity for NGOs to engage more effectively and transparently in the community in which they are integrated and/or operate (such as: the issue of corporate social responsibility), that is, it must obey a “course of action” and not the performance of a legal obligation. 4.2.1. Typicality of NGOs as legal persons, which implies the creation of a new model of legal organization distinct from the classic civil association. In the context of the above, definition of its corporate purpose, which must be sufficiently complete and does not limit the rich social dynamics of these entities. In this context, it can be seen that at the level of comparative legislation in Latin America, terms such as “service to third parties” (project in the Dominican Republic in relation to non-profit social protection associations) or organizations of the public benefit company (case of Brazil: Law No.

9790); In addition, it is usually marked in the colloquial language of NGOs with the terms “social promotion or development”.

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