Legal Term for Suitable

Legal Term for Suitable

Look for legal acronyms and/or abbreviations that contain Suitable in the dictionary of legal abbreviations and acronyms. Where apt would be a reasonable alternative to suitable? To define a legal term, enter a word or phrase below. The words happy and appropriate are synonymous, but differ in nuance. In particular, happy suggests what is effective or successful appropriate. Although the right and proper words have much in common, correct suggests adequacy by nature essential or correspondence with habit. You might be interested in the historical significance of this term. Browse or search for Appropriate in Historical Law in the Encyclopedia of Law. The words meet and suitable can be used in similar contexts, but meet suggests a fair proportion. Some common synonyms for appropriate are appropriate, fit, happy, appropriate, fit, happy, meet and right. While all of these words mean “right with respect to a purpose, need, use or circumstance,” “reasonable” implies a response to any request or requirement.

Browse or search for Suitable in the American Encyclopedia of Law, Asian Encyclopedia of Law, European Encyclopedia of Law, UK Encyclopedia of Law, or Latin American and Spanish Encyclopedia of Law.

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