Abortos Legales En Mexico Estadisticas
The short answer to the question of how many women abort in the country is that we don`t know for sure because much of the information doesn`t exist or is not made public (although the titanic efforts of organizations like IWRM to demand, collect, and publish much of that information are appreciated). What would it take to get a complete picture of abortion in the country? Undoubtedly, the data of the procedures that take place in public hospitals, but also on abortions performed at home, clandestine abortions and also those performed in hospitals and private clinics. So it will be an incomplete story. • It is estimated that nearly 30% of all abortions are induced by the drug misoprostol. The estimate that 39% of these procedures required medical care is due to insufficient knowledge and use of the drug among service providers and women themselves. • The criminalization of abortion does not prevent its practice. It is estimated that half (54%) of all unwanted pregnancies in Mexico are resolved by induced abortion, despite legal restrictions in 31 of the 32 entities. • Clandestine abortion is usually dangerous. Hospital care figures show the burden that abortions place on women`s health and institutions: in 2009, about 159,000 Mexican women were treated in public hospitals alone for complications resulting from induced abortions. • This equates to about one million (1,026,000) induced abortions per year, an estimated rate of 38 per 1,000 women aged 15-44 in 2009. The rate increases uniformly as the level of development increases, from 26 per 1,000 women in Region 6 to 54 per 1,000 in Region 1.
In 2020, there were 11,269 legal abortions in Mexico City, the lowest record since 2016. This year, there were 16 legal abortions in Oaxaca, where they increased to 34 in 2021. The increase in abortion rates underscores the need for concerted efforts to help Mexican women avoid unwanted pregnancies that lead to abortions. Here are some suggestions for reducing the burden of unsafe abortions on women and the health sector. We also offer recommendations to improve the provision of legal procedures and reduce unwanted pregnancies. In Mexico City, it has been legal to terminate a pregnancy before the 12th week of pregnancy, for any reason since 2007. The same government offers this service through 14 hospitals, clinics and health centers of the SSa. 79,383 legal abortions were performed in these places between 2016 and 2020, according to open data from Mexico City`s Ministry of Health. It is important to emphasize that the information on women who have had an abortion at ENDIREH relates to the last 5 years, so the survey says little about the age of women when they became pregnant or had an abortion. However, the other important source of information on abortions performed at the national level, the records of hospital discharges from units of the Ministry of Health, is more precise on this point.
The latest public version of this database shows hospital discharges that took place in 2014. From October 2019 to August 2021, 50 legal abortions were performed in Oaxaca: zero in the year of decriminalization, 16 in 2020 and 34 in 2021. This is clear from the information provided by the Oaxaca Health Services in response to the request for information submitted by Serendipia with folio number 00641721. According to Daniela Tejas Miguez of the Maria Abortion Fund for Social Justice, an abortion fund that uses Mexico City`s legal framework to close inequality gaps and help women across the country access legal abortion in that city, provides support for transportation payments, accommodation, procedures, food and/or medication in addition to accompaniment, logistical, informative and/or emotional support, clandestine abortions in a private clinic can cost between 5,000 and 30,000 pesos dollars, depending on what doctors want to charge and the weeks of pregnancy they have; A medical abortion with misoprostol costs between $500 and $900, and a legal abortion in Mexico City in a private clinic can cost between $2,000 and $5,000 as long as the product is less than 12 weeks old. Access to abortion is a privilege in the country, not only because legal bases are systematically ignored and hindered by states, violating women`s rights to access safe abortion, but also because of the simple and simple economic costs associated with paying for an abortion.